One of the big debates in our world today concerns what news sources we can trust to deliver the facts. The term “fake news” has been coined to describe any number of phenomena – a biased selection of facts to shape a story, the insertion of the writer’s opinion into a news story, or in some cases, outright lies.
In the first century, I am sure that there was some “fake news” circulating about Jesus along with the truth. As Jesus’ original followers left Jerusalem to escape persecution, as others were executed, and as still others moved out into the world to spread the Gospel message, the early church wanted and needed to preserve their eyewitness accounts in writing. Bear in mind, because of the skill and expense required, only things of value and importance were written down. A written document is a big deal.
Mark and Matthew wrote primarily for Jewish audiences, showing how Jesus’ teaching intersected with Jewish law and how the writings of the Jewish prophets, especially concerning the long-awaited Messiah, pointed to Him.
The Gospel of Luke is directed primarily to the non-Jewish audience of his day. He emphasizes that Jesus came for all people, not just the Jews. As the news about Jesus and His resurrection spread, Gentiles (that is non-Jews) came to accept Jesus’ claim to be the Son of God. They believed in Him and sought to follow His teaching. There was a great debate in the early church if believers had to become Jews before becoming Christians, and thankfully for us pagans today, the answer was “no.”
Luke was a physician who travelled with the missionary extraordinaire, Paul. Paul established churches throughout what is now Turkey, Greece and Italy and wrote most of the letters that comprise the New Testament. He was executed by Nero in the mid-60s AD. With Paul and in his other travels, Luke probably met most of the major players in the early church. Like the historian he is, Luke investigated, talked to these eyewitnesses and those who knew them, read their writings and wrote his own account of the life and teachings of Jesus. He also wrote a history of the early church, The Acts of the Apostles.
Luke’s Gospel begins this way:
“Many people have set out to write accounts about the events that have been fulfilled among us. They used the eyewitness reports circulating among us from the early disciples. Having carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I also have decided to write an accurate account for you, most honorable Theophilus, so you can be certain of the truth of everything you were taught.” (Luke 1:1-4)
My prayer this week is that as you read Luke, “you can be certain of the truth.” This isn’t – as it is so popular to say these days - “my” truth or “your” truth. There is no such thing as “my” truth or “your” truth. There is only “the” truth. The truth about our human nature. The truth about Jesus. The truth that is Jesus. Luke’s Gospel is not fake news. Check it out:…
Heavenly Father, help us to see the true Jesus and the truth that He teaches us. It is in His name that we pray. Amen.
Saturday, January 27, 2018
Sunday, January 21, 2018
Teach Your Children Well
Do you remember the song “Teach Your Children” from Crosby, Stills and Nash?
You, who are on the road
Must have a code
That you can live by
And so
Become yourself
Because the past
Is just a good-bye
What is your code to live by?
I hope you enjoyed reading Mark last week and learned something new about Jesus. This week your assignment is the Gospel Matthew. Rather than speed read - take a few days with it.
Matthew, one of the original twelve disciples, is its author. Some of what you read will be familiar because much of Matthew is a repetition of Mark’s Gospel. Matthew draws on Mark for what Jesus did, but adds a lot about what Jesus said.
If you are looking for a code to live by, consider what Jesus taught. Jesus is the voice of God teaching us about God and how God wants us to live. If your Bible shows Jesus’ words in red-letters, Matthew is quite colorful!
As you read, imagine being in the crowd listening to what Jesus was saying. Bear in mind, Jesus repeated many these words over and over in different settings and different ways. It is much like how parents have to teach their children! Matthew doesn’t repeat each lesson, but if you don’t catch it the first time, read it again. Here are some highlights:
In Chapters 5, 6, and 7 you will read the famous Sermon on the Mount. I think of this as Christianity 101. It was Jesus’ initial orientation to his disciples about what following Him entails.
In Chapter 10, Jesus commissions the disciples to heal and teach and how they should go about it.
Chapter 13 is a collection of parables. These are stories Jesus uses to explain things to us limited humans. Here the parables are about the Kingdom of God, or what Matthew calls the Kingdom of Heaven. There are also parables on other topics scattered throughout all the Gospels.
In Chapter 18, Jesus shares some radical ideas about being humble, about sin and about forgiveness.
I am also rather fond of Chapter 23 when Jesus lays down a resounding denunciation of hypocrisy and the Pharisees. No meek and mild Jesus here.
In Chapters 24-25 Jesus talks about what I call “Last Things.” Here you will read about the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem and a series of parables about how God will judge our behavior and the consequences.
You may have noticed in reading Mark that Jesus told His followers three times about His death and resurrection (Mark 8:31-32; 9:30-32; 10:32-34). As you delve deeper into Jesus’ teaching this week, think about what I’ve heard Andy Stanley say: “If a man can predict his own death and resurrection, and pull it off, I just go with whatever that man says.” Think about that as you read the words of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew.
Blessed Lord Jesus, help us hear Your words spoken so long ago. Make them new and alive to us today. Help us take them to heart. In Your Name we pray. Amen.
You, who are on the road
Must have a code
That you can live by
And so
Become yourself
Because the past
Is just a good-bye
What is your code to live by?
I hope you enjoyed reading Mark last week and learned something new about Jesus. This week your assignment is the Gospel Matthew. Rather than speed read - take a few days with it.
Matthew, one of the original twelve disciples, is its author. Some of what you read will be familiar because much of Matthew is a repetition of Mark’s Gospel. Matthew draws on Mark for what Jesus did, but adds a lot about what Jesus said.
If you are looking for a code to live by, consider what Jesus taught. Jesus is the voice of God teaching us about God and how God wants us to live. If your Bible shows Jesus’ words in red-letters, Matthew is quite colorful!
As you read, imagine being in the crowd listening to what Jesus was saying. Bear in mind, Jesus repeated many these words over and over in different settings and different ways. It is much like how parents have to teach their children! Matthew doesn’t repeat each lesson, but if you don’t catch it the first time, read it again. Here are some highlights:
In Chapters 5, 6, and 7 you will read the famous Sermon on the Mount. I think of this as Christianity 101. It was Jesus’ initial orientation to his disciples about what following Him entails.
In Chapter 10, Jesus commissions the disciples to heal and teach and how they should go about it.
Chapter 13 is a collection of parables. These are stories Jesus uses to explain things to us limited humans. Here the parables are about the Kingdom of God, or what Matthew calls the Kingdom of Heaven. There are also parables on other topics scattered throughout all the Gospels.
In Chapter 18, Jesus shares some radical ideas about being humble, about sin and about forgiveness.
I am also rather fond of Chapter 23 when Jesus lays down a resounding denunciation of hypocrisy and the Pharisees. No meek and mild Jesus here.
In Chapters 24-25 Jesus talks about what I call “Last Things.” Here you will read about the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem and a series of parables about how God will judge our behavior and the consequences.
You may have noticed in reading Mark that Jesus told His followers three times about His death and resurrection (Mark 8:31-32; 9:30-32; 10:32-34). As you delve deeper into Jesus’ teaching this week, think about what I’ve heard Andy Stanley say: “If a man can predict his own death and resurrection, and pull it off, I just go with whatever that man says.” Think about that as you read the words of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew.
Blessed Lord Jesus, help us hear Your words spoken so long ago. Make them new and alive to us today. Help us take them to heart. In Your Name we pray. Amen.
Sunday, January 14, 2018
Tell Me the Stories of Jesus
One of the biggest challenges for Christians is moving from a childhood faith to an adult faith. I remember learning about Jesus as a child in Sunday School – stories watered down to a child’s understanding. They gave me a good foundation, milk but no meat. As I grew older, I never stopped believing in God, but my following of Jesus became, shall we say, lackadaisical? I stopped going to church but still felt that I was a good person. It was when my world fell apart that I turned back to Jesus, but more about that in a later post.
One of the most eye-opening things for me as an adult is reading the Bible. Getting the real story for myself. I began to resent having been taught bits and pieces, fed by others who focused on the verses and stories they liked and ignored those they didn’t. I wanted the whole story. If you are seriously considering following Jesus, you need to read the Gospel accounts of His life for yourself.
These first four books of the New Testament – Matthew, Mark, Luke and John – are eyewitness accounts of Jesus’ life. The people who wrote them either knew Jesus or talked to people who had. Today, we easily believe the testimony of witnesses on the news and in court. Why not believe the eyewitness testimony of those who knew Jesus? Suspend, for now, any concerns you have about the authenticity of the Bible. Accept the Gospels as true. If you want more information, send me a note and I’ll get you the academic stuff that supports their veracity.
I’m going to ask you to read the Gospels, one each week for the next four weeks, beginning with Mark.
While Mark is the second book of the New Testament, it was the Gospel that was probably written first, somewhere in the early 50s. This was barely 20 years after Jesus’ death and resurrection. Mark focuses on making the case that Jesus is the long-awaited Jewish Messiah. To put Mark in context, check out this excellent 5 minute video from The Bible Project
Try reading Mark in one sitting. It is only about 12,000 words long. In comparison, most contemporary novels are in the range of 80,000-100,000 words. As you read, imagine yourself in the story – as part of the crowd, as someone who had a one-on-one with Jesus, or in whatever way tugs on your heart. Ask yourself, could Jesus be the Son of God? And don’t be discouraged if it doesn’t all make sense. I came across a great quote from Billy Graham this week: “You may never understand everything in the Bible, but you can understand something.”
Read whatever translation you like, even that dusty old Bible on your bookcase! Here is the link to the New Living Translation which I find readable and accurate. (If you want to know more about translations, send me a note).
Our Father, guide our reading. Open our hearts and minds to what You want us to know. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
One of the most eye-opening things for me as an adult is reading the Bible. Getting the real story for myself. I began to resent having been taught bits and pieces, fed by others who focused on the verses and stories they liked and ignored those they didn’t. I wanted the whole story. If you are seriously considering following Jesus, you need to read the Gospel accounts of His life for yourself.
These first four books of the New Testament – Matthew, Mark, Luke and John – are eyewitness accounts of Jesus’ life. The people who wrote them either knew Jesus or talked to people who had. Today, we easily believe the testimony of witnesses on the news and in court. Why not believe the eyewitness testimony of those who knew Jesus? Suspend, for now, any concerns you have about the authenticity of the Bible. Accept the Gospels as true. If you want more information, send me a note and I’ll get you the academic stuff that supports their veracity.
I’m going to ask you to read the Gospels, one each week for the next four weeks, beginning with Mark.
While Mark is the second book of the New Testament, it was the Gospel that was probably written first, somewhere in the early 50s. This was barely 20 years after Jesus’ death and resurrection. Mark focuses on making the case that Jesus is the long-awaited Jewish Messiah. To put Mark in context, check out this excellent 5 minute video from The Bible Project
Try reading Mark in one sitting. It is only about 12,000 words long. In comparison, most contemporary novels are in the range of 80,000-100,000 words. As you read, imagine yourself in the story – as part of the crowd, as someone who had a one-on-one with Jesus, or in whatever way tugs on your heart. Ask yourself, could Jesus be the Son of God? And don’t be discouraged if it doesn’t all make sense. I came across a great quote from Billy Graham this week: “You may never understand everything in the Bible, but you can understand something.”
Read whatever translation you like, even that dusty old Bible on your bookcase! Here is the link to the New Living Translation which I find readable and accurate. (If you want to know more about translations, send me a note).
Our Father, guide our reading. Open our hearts and minds to what You want us to know. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
Considering Jesus
Whatever resolutions you have made for 2018, whatever improvements you want to make in your life, consider this:
“Following Jesus will make your life better and make you better at life.” (Andy Stanley)
Following Jesus can help you with the change you’ve chosen to make in your life, whether it’s abandoning a bad habit or picking up a good one. I can say without hesitation that this statement is true for me, and I really want it to be true for you too.
How has Jesus made my life better?
Because of Jesus - I know I am loved. I am important. I am forgiven. I am not afraid of death. My life has purpose and meaning. No matter my circumstances, there is a joy and peace within me that nothing can shake. I am hopeful. I am never alone. Does any of that sound good to you?
How has Jesus made me better at life?
Following Jesus has made me more loving, more compassionate, more generous, kinder, and more truthful. He has made me less self-centered. Jesus encourages me to look at the world through His eyes and respond to the world the way He does - by putting others before myself. Jesus points me toward choosing good and avoiding evil. Whatever the world throws at me, Jesus gives me the tools to learn from it or deal with it. Does this sound like the way you would like to live?
People reject Jesus for all sorts of reasons. Whatever it is that is keeping you from following Jesus, I am inviting you to put it aside for a time. Be open to the possibility that Jesus is who He says He is.
Who is this Jesus I want you to consider following?
Jesus is a real-life person. He was a Jewish itinerant teacher who lived in Israel in the first century and died by crucifixion. He was seen alive after His death by hundreds of people. Word spread. He and his teachings changed the world.
Jesus is God. Christians describe Him as the Son of God, the Second Person of the Trinity. The One True God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Three persons. One God. God is love. God is relational. God is beyond what we can imagine and as close as our next breath.
If this is true, and I strongly suggest to you that it is, following Jesus will make your life better and make you better at life. Suspend your disbelief. Consider Jesus. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.
In the days and weeks to follow, my goal is to introduce you to the Jesus who is my Lord, Savior and Friend. My prayer is that as you read my posts, you will choose to follow Him too. He makes all the difference in the world.
Spirit of the Living God, Open our hearts and minds for the journey ahead, so that we may come to know You as You want to be known and follow You as You want to be followed. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.
“Following Jesus will make your life better and make you better at life.” (Andy Stanley)
Following Jesus can help you with the change you’ve chosen to make in your life, whether it’s abandoning a bad habit or picking up a good one. I can say without hesitation that this statement is true for me, and I really want it to be true for you too.
How has Jesus made my life better?
Because of Jesus - I know I am loved. I am important. I am forgiven. I am not afraid of death. My life has purpose and meaning. No matter my circumstances, there is a joy and peace within me that nothing can shake. I am hopeful. I am never alone. Does any of that sound good to you?
How has Jesus made me better at life?
Following Jesus has made me more loving, more compassionate, more generous, kinder, and more truthful. He has made me less self-centered. Jesus encourages me to look at the world through His eyes and respond to the world the way He does - by putting others before myself. Jesus points me toward choosing good and avoiding evil. Whatever the world throws at me, Jesus gives me the tools to learn from it or deal with it. Does this sound like the way you would like to live?
People reject Jesus for all sorts of reasons. Whatever it is that is keeping you from following Jesus, I am inviting you to put it aside for a time. Be open to the possibility that Jesus is who He says He is.
Who is this Jesus I want you to consider following?
Jesus is a real-life person. He was a Jewish itinerant teacher who lived in Israel in the first century and died by crucifixion. He was seen alive after His death by hundreds of people. Word spread. He and his teachings changed the world.
Jesus is God. Christians describe Him as the Son of God, the Second Person of the Trinity. The One True God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Three persons. One God. God is love. God is relational. God is beyond what we can imagine and as close as our next breath.
If this is true, and I strongly suggest to you that it is, following Jesus will make your life better and make you better at life. Suspend your disbelief. Consider Jesus. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.
In the days and weeks to follow, my goal is to introduce you to the Jesus who is my Lord, Savior and Friend. My prayer is that as you read my posts, you will choose to follow Him too. He makes all the difference in the world.
Spirit of the Living God, Open our hearts and minds for the journey ahead, so that we may come to know You as You want to be known and follow You as You want to be followed. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.
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