Sunday, December 1, 2019

Good News

Here is my present to you this Christmas:

I hereby give you permission to ignore the news, from whatever source you consume it, for the entire month of December!!  If you need to check sports, weather and holiday events in your community, fine, but that’s it.  I promise I’ll let you know if something big happens!  You deserve a break - as do we all!

Instead, I’ll be posting good news.  News that has helped millions of people for thousands of years.  Yes, I’m talking about the life and teachings of Jesus from the Gospel of Luke.  Jesus is the reason for the season, after all.

Happy reading - and Merry Christmas!  Let’s just get right to it!  

Good News from Luke 1

In which Luke presents his methods and reasons for writing his account of Jesus’ life. He introduces his narrative by telling of the conception of two babies -  JOHN, the son of Zechariah and Elizabeth, and JESUS, the Son of God and Mary.  Elizabeth’s cousin.  Mary goes to visit her cousin Elizabeth, and they rejoice in their miracle pregnancies. John is born.  Babies are good news!!

“I am the Lord’s servant,” said Mary; “may it happen to me as you have said.”

Read all of Luke 1 here: