"We Hold These Truths to be Self-Evident"
Delivered June 28, 2015 at First United Methodist Church, Bradenton, Florida
Ready for a little history lesson?
On June 10, 1776, the colony of Virginia,
through its representative Richard Henry Lee, proposed a resolution to the
Second Continental Congress that the United Colonies “are, and of a right ought
to be, free and independent states.” Before
the Congress debated the resolution, they tasked a committee of 5 men – John
Adams of Massachusetts, Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania, Robert Livingston
of New York, Roger Sherman of Connecticut and Thomas Jefferson of Virginia - to prepare a formal declaration of
independence. Thomas Jefferson, the
youngest of the five, but the best writer, wrote the first draft. Franklin and Adams made some changes and 239
years ago today, June 28, 1776, the Committee of Five - presented their final
draft of a declaration of independence to the Second Continental Congress.
The members of Congress made a number of
changes, the most notable of which was removing the paragraph that asserted
Britain had forced slavery on the colonies. It began like this: “He [King George III] has waged cruel War against human
Nature itself, violating its most Sacred Right of Life & Liberty in the
Persons of a distant People who never offended him, captivating & carrying
them into Slavery in another Hemisphere, or to incur miserable death in their
Transportation thither."
The Southern colonies objected. That
fight would come later but it would come. For now, the colonies were united
against King George, but as we see through history, the fight for liberty
marches on.
On July 2, 1776, the resolution on
independence was adopted. Twelve
colonies voted yes. New York later
approved it on July 9. On July 4, the
final wording of the Declaration of Independence was approved and sent to the
The Declaration clearly was directed at
King George. It boldly stated the just
causes for American’s separation from England.
(We should talk about King George’s tyranny some day.) It declared to the world that the United
Colonies, now the United States, were an independent nation. But the Declaration holds within it,
challenges to the American people as well.
Hear these words.
in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve
the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among
the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of
Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of
mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the
hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they
are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these
are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights,
Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the
consent of the governed…..
You might be thinking, "Nice history
lesson Preacher Girl, but move on."
Have you been paying attention to the news this week? If you have been paying attention particularly to the recent Supreme Court decisions you will not be surprised that most Americans, including our judges and elected representatives, believe that these documents - the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution - are nothing but interesting historical relics. In hearing about the Supreme Court’s decisions it seems obvious to me that the Declaration and the Constitution no longer hold the power of law or authority or even influence over America.
Have you been paying attention to the news this week? If you have been paying attention particularly to the recent Supreme Court decisions you will not be surprised that most Americans, including our judges and elected representatives, believe that these documents - the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution - are nothing but interesting historical relics. In hearing about the Supreme Court’s decisions it seems obvious to me that the Declaration and the Constitution no longer hold the power of law or authority or even influence over America.
I am not here this morning to debate the
merits or faults of ObamaCare or same sex marriage. But even the dissenting judges recognized
that these two Supreme Court decisions - upholding the Affordable Care Act, and
the legalizing same sex marriage – violated basic Constitutional
principles. The details of how can be a discussion
for another day. In both these rulings,
but for different reasons, the Court ignored the Constitution. It seems to happen a lot. I am sad to say, it appears Constitution is
effectively null and void.
And honestly, the Declaration of Independence was
demoted to the dustbin of history long ago. Even so I was still shocked to hear Chris
Cuomo, a commentator on CNN, say to Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore, without
batting an eye, - “Our rights do not come from God, your honor, and you know
that. They come from man... “ (Chris Cuomo says "our rights do not come from God,” February
12, 2015, youtube.com)
How did we get to be a nation that
believes our rights come from man rather than believing our rights come from
God? Here is my theory. I call it “The
Big Lie.” I call it that because I
believe its source is Satan, and Jesus told us Satan is a liar and the Father
of lies. This is a spiritual battle as
well as a political one. (How
politically incorrect is that?!!)
has a vested interest in the destruction of America, because at its core,
America is based on the idea that God can rule a nation through the hearts of
men, not through a theocracy, not through a king, but through the consent of a
faithful people. That the love of God can shine through a nation. That my
friends, is what makes America exceptional.
And that is why Satan and the powers of evil cannot allow it to stand.
We, the people of America, are complicit in our own destruction.
Over the past 100 years for sure, and definitely over the past 50, people of
faith have checked out of the political process. Over time, bit by bit, we have been cowed
into submission by the tyranny of “The Big Lie.” The bottom line of “The Big Lie” is that God
does not exist, but forces of evil at work in the world just don’t come right
out and say that. Well sometimes they do,
like that Time Magazine cover “Is God
Dead?” That was in 1966 BTW. But most of the time, evil just nibbles at
the edges. “The Big Lie” says things
like our founders were really atheists, deists at best, and that America was
not founded on Biblical principles, but that America was really founded as a
secular society free of any religious influence. Look at how “The Big Lie”
interprets the meaning of separation of church and state stuff.
Big Lie” says that, even if you want to delude yourself into believing in God,
your right to freely practice your faith,
means that you can worship anyway you choose, within the confines of
your church, of course. But remember,
you must check your faith at the door to your sanctuary and keep it away from
your workplace (you know the Marine who was just fired because she had a Bible
verse on her computer), your school (remember, they took the Bible and prayer
out of the schools in the 1960s), and especially from the voting booth (you
know, preachers can’t talk about candidates or churches will get in
Big Lie” says that that truth is relative which really means that there is no
truth at all. Each of us makes our own
truth, right? We each can decide what is wrong and what is right. Or we can accept that morality is determined
by a community consensus, not divine law. Or we can just do what somebody in
power tells us to do….. You can write all the hate crime legislation
you want, but you cannot legislate kindness and compassion. You can confiscate everything I have, but you
cannot legislate generosity. You can ban
me from buying a Coke larger than 16 ounces, but you cannot legislate
self-control. Kindness, generosity,
self-control are hallmarks of a moral people.
Wouldn’t you rather be a good people than a governed people? “The
Big Lie” claims that the people who believe in truth are evil and liars
themselves. Hateful people. Heard that lately? The world is turned on its head.
bottom line of “The Big Lie,” Satan’s ultimate goal, is to convince you that
that there is no God, so he can step in and take over.
How do you fight “The Big Lie?” You fight “The Big Lie” with “The Bigger Truth.” Let’s go back to the dusty old Declaration of
Independence and (perhaps your even dustier) Bible.
The Declaration bases this idea of
America on what it says is, self-evident truth.
Self-evident means that any thinking person doesn’t need any additional proof.
It is obvious. Self-evident. These truths were self-evident to the American
people in large part because of a group of individual men, spread throughout
the colonies, who went out on Sunday mornings, put on black robes and preached
the Gospel of Jesus Christ. History
calls them the Black Robe Regiment. I
think the British may have referred to them that way too.
America was populated by people of many
denominations. In the Declaration, the Anglicans could find common cause and a
common language with the Catholics, the Congregationalists, the Universalists,
the Baptists, the Scotch and American Presbyterians, the Lutherans, the
Methodists, the Moravians, the Quakers, the Shakers, the Deists and the myriad
of other Christian groups in America. (See
The Faiths of the Founding Fathers,
David L. Holmes, Oxford University Press, 2006, Kindle Loc 317)
These groups may have disagreed on the
nature of Christ’s divinity, on the proper method of baptism, on the meaning of
Holy Communion, the role of the clergy, on a whole library of doctrinal issues
but they could agree on some things.
Even with the 1000 or so Jews represented in the colonies population of
about 3.5 million could agree with what Mr. Jefferson wrote. Jefferson’s genius
just amazes me in how he finds the words that would unite people of faith and
not divide them. Oh, how we need
statesmen to unite us and not divide us these days!
I am here in the tradition of that Black
Robe Regiment to tell you that even if these truths do not seem self-evident to
you and your neighbors, they are indeed still true. I start from a place where I believe Jesus is
the Son of God, who died for my sins and rose from the dead. He will hold me accountable to these
- There is a God. God has ordered the universe – the laws of nature – and has given humanity rules to follow for our benefit, out health and well-being. You know, the laws of Nature and Nature’s God. The revelation of God in the universe and Scripture.
- People are created in the image of God. We are all equal in his sight. You know, in Christ there is no male or female, Jew or Gentile, slave or free….
- God has given to each and every person the “rights” the gifts of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, that is the ability to pursue our own purpose and destiny.
- And human beings, while created in the image of God, are also fallen, and prone to evil. So governments are needed to protect the rights God has given us from those, like tyrannical kings and power-hungry parliaments and even selfish neighbors, who would like to take them from us.
The phrases “all men are created equal,”
and “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” have resonated through the
ages. They roll off our tongues with
ease, but we have forgotten that each word, each idea is infused with the
necessity of virtue and morality. Here
is our challenge.
The Founders knew, the weakening of our
faith, would be the weakening of the republic.
John Adams said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and
religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
So let’s talk about morality and virtue
for a minute. (Deep breath) I’m not going to much talk about sexual morality
this morning. I think the biblical
worldview of sex has been pushed to the margins it’s going to take a while to
bring that discussion back on track. A
few months back I heard Andy Stanley challenged his congregation of 30,000 to
not talk about gay marriage until they had gotten their own sexual house in
order. That means they needed to go a
full year without committing adultery, viewing pornography, even the soft stuff
like TV and movies. Hey ya’ll, get rid
of that copy of 50 Shades of Grey. Stop engaging in premarital sex, extramarital
sex, any sex outside of marriage and yes, that includes flirting with your
married coworker at the watercooler.
Then we’ll talk. Kind of reminds
me of not casting the first stone….
My friends, morality and virtue aren’t
just about sex. It’s about how we live
our lives. About how we control
ourselves and interact with others. It’s
about personal responsibility. Are you
every day trying to be a better person, a good person?
And when the Founders spoke of morality,
they took their own moral development quite seriously. Do you? As a child Washington wrote out 150 Rules of Civility and Decent Behavior in
Company and Conversation. They
helped shaped his life and the good man that he was. Granted, some of them sound a bit fussy to
us, but their focus was on how to courteously interact with others.
Franklin, the purveyor of wisdom in Poor Richard’s Almanack put himself on
personal regime of moral improvement when he was in his 20s. He identified 13 virtues that he wanted to
make a habit of. Sincerity, Industry,
Justice, Frugality, Moderation, Humility.
He would focus on one each week.
He had a little book with one for each page and at the end of day, week
review how he was doing and where he needed to improve.
Jefferson, ah Jefferson. Gets a bad rap among some Christians for the Jefferson Bible. You know where he took out all the spiritual
stuff in the Gospels, the miracles and the divinity of Christ. I will admit he struggled with the divinity
of Christ and the doctrines of the Church.
Jefferson encouraged his nephew Peter Carr to question with boldness even
the existence of God? Nothing wrong in
that. Our faith in stronger when it moves
through the fires of honest questioning.
The actual title of what we call The Jefferson Bible is The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth. Jefferson
understood that the best systems of ethics and morals from Jesus. That is what he distilled into the Jefferson
Bible. Oh, that the members of the Congress
who get a copy would read the teachings of Jesus!
The American people of the colonial era
understood all this. The preachers of
the day – the Black Robe Regiment – would preach the saving grace of Jesus
Christ and how, in gratitude, we should live moral and decent lives.
These preachers taught that the
individual spirit that Americans hold so dear is all about personal
responsibility. “The Big Lie” would have
your believe that American individualism is about selfishness. Not so. Individualism in America means each
person is responsible for themselves and to each other. Equality demands respect. Life, liberty and that pursuit of happiness
only work, when I respect your life, your liberty and your pursuit of your own dreams.
know, love God and love your neighbor as yourself.
Let’s begin there. You
are responsible for yourself. You reap
what you sow – literally and figuratively.
You are responsible to fulfill the role
in your family, be faithful to your spouse, honor your parents, care for your
elderly parents, and teach your children in the way they ought to go.
You have a responsibility to contribute
to society. You know, all that stuff
about helping others in the community of faith, like caring for the widows and
orphans. Or about caring for those in
the community at large? Does the Good
Samaritan ring a bell? How about feeding
the hungry, clothing the naked, welcoming the stranger?
The preachers taught that you are to
honor the government, render unto Caesar, and all that jazz. But I might add, we should follow the
government only when the government follows God. Many years later Martin Luther King Jr., who I
think would be proud to be considered a part of the Black Robe Regiment, taught
us what civil disobedience looked like, didn’t he?
All Biblical.
Well, are Americans still a moral,
virtuous, a religious people? Are we self-reliant? Are you? Perhaps not as much as we should be. If we look at our neighbors rather than at
most of the news and the media…. We find bits of hope.
Look at Charleston. I see hope in families who offered the saving
grace of Jesus, who offered forgiveness to the man who confessed, with racist
intent, to murdering their pastor, mother, friends. I see hope in the members of the community
who have pledged to protect the grieving from the disruption of outside
agitators. Look at folks who went to
help people in Ferguson, and clean the streets of Baltimore.
I see hope as Dave and I travel around
the country. Just recently we did the
Hot Rod Power Tour in Dave’s 55 Chevy. 5000
cars, most vintage, travelling the same route from Madison Wi, to Champaign,
IL, to St. Louis, to Memphis, to Birmingham, to Gulfport, MS, to Baton Rouge
over 7 days. And you know what. Despite the traffic jams, there was no road
rage. People honked their horns to
acknowledge a cool car, not as a sign of impatience. People let each other merge in. People stopped and helped when a car was in
trouble. Because there were more men
than women, sometimes there was a line for the men’s room, and us ladies let
the men use our restroom. How about
that? People just stopped to chat and
admire the cars. A couple folks even
stopped to admire our Ben Carson for President bumper sticker. Strangers became
friends. The venues we visited each
evening were clean, the people courteous, even the vendors gave free
advice. And these are folks of all ages,
all races, from all over the country. It
gives me hope.
There are good people out there. They are the core of America and the hope of
America. We just need to strap on a
little courage to fight “The Big Lie.” We need to fight “The Big Lie” that God is
dead. We need to strap on the courage to boldly live lives of decency, morality
and personal responsibility. We need to be that light so others see our
goodness. We need to strap on the
courage to fight for our God given rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of
We know from our history that we need to
fight for liberty with each generation.
Sometimes we need to fight enemies from outside our country. There was no compromise to be had with the
evil that was Nazism. There can be no
compromise with the evil that is Islamism that we see in ISIS and elsewhere.
But sometimes, we have to fight the
enemy within our borders. As Dietrich
Bonhoeffer said, “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will
not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” And,
might I add, not to vote is to vote.
Thomas Jefferson said: “We in
America do not have government by the majority – we have government by the
majority who participate. All tyranny
needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain
silent.” It has been estimated that 50% of American
Christians, those that go to church on a regular basis, are not even registered
to vote. And that among those that are registered less than 40% ever darken a
circle on a ballot. And that those that
do vote often are more driven by their pocketbook than their principles.
Why is that? I believe Christians have bought “The Big Lie”
that people of faith should keep their faith to themselves, shut up and stay
Please don’t believe it anymore.
Please don’t let community consensus
determine your moral choices, but look to God’s Word. Please be involved as a person of faith –
everywhere you go!
This Independence Day, make it your
Independence Day, and speak up, and speak out.
Declare Independence from “The Big Lie” and grab with gusto “The Bigger
that all men are created equal, that they
are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these
are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights,
Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the
consent of the governed,
And let me read just a little bit more…
whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the
Right of the People to alter or to abolish it...
Reclaim the Declaration of Independence
and our Constitution. It is our fight. It
is our right. It is our duty to
ourselves, to each other, to the future, and to God. Amen.
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