I am writing this with a big smile on my face. I'm remembering a day a week ago, before Charlottesville, when four big manatees swam down the river in front of my home. They are so cool. They make me happy and help me get some perspective on all the crap happening in the world. I'm not going to let others steal my happiness. You shouldn't either.
What makes you happy?
Sometimes the happiness we experience just happens, like the serendipitous appearance of manatees swimming down the river. Most often, however, the happiness we experience is happiness we create. One of the wonders of America is that our Founders thought the "pursuit of happiness" was a noble goal for humans to have and believed happiness is more achievable when people are free to make their own way in life. Not only is happiness a noble goal, but a God-ordained one. That is why the Declaration of Independence says: "We are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights - that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."
As I was thinking about happiness, I realized that it comes to me in different ways. Joy is not something that we should depend upon others to give us, it is something that we must find within ourselves.
There is happiness found in the "big issues" of life - like marriage, career and lifestyle. I am blessed that I have a spouse I adore. I have had careers that gave my life meaning and purpose and now I enjoy a lifestyle that gives me peace and comfort. All of these involve long-term commitment on my part and are why the Founders talked about the "pursuit of happiness" knowing that there are no guarantees. If you aren't happy with the direction of your life, change it. Make the commitment to pursue what will make you happy. It is no one's responsibility but your own.
Then there is also the happiness of the moment, like seeing the manatees. Or a rainbow. Or a child playing. How often do we miss out on these fleeting glimpses of joy? When we are attuned to what is going on around us, we are more apt to relish the serendipity of a beautiful moment.
Then there is the what I'm calling "everyday" happiness. For me, this is enjoyment I get when I make a home-cooked meal, read a good book, or take a nice nap. Do some small thing this next week that makes you happy. It will make a world of difference in your outlook and your ability to handle all the unhappy stuff. This will start you on your way again to pursuing happiness in big ways.
There is much to make us unhappy in the world today. Friends and family - and maybe even you - are struggling for a multitude of reasons. (Thanks for your continued prayers for my sister-in-law Kate!) There are wars and rumors of wars. Citizens continue to fight each other in the streets. There will be protests at a statue outside the courthouse in my hometown tomorrow.
I know this blog is about the pursuit of happiness, but I have to say that we all know these protests really aren't about statues that have stood for almost 100 years. They are not even about race issues. It is an excuse by those on the extremes of our society, be they on the right or the left, to undermine the history of America - the good, the bad and the ugly - and ultimately America herself. America has come so far in making the idea of equality and the other founding ideals of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness a reality that I hate to see them being mocked and vilified by those who want to destroy our country. I am concerned about the potential for violence and the fact that this feels like the beginning of another civil war. Please pray for my city!
In the midst of all this sadness and anger, look for happiness and put forth the effort to create happiness yourself. Don't let someone steal it from you.
Happiness can be yours - in big ways, small ways, and unexpected ways - if you choose to pursue it.
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